Philosophy and Theology ask the question of being. But they ask it from different perspectives.

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Philosophy and Theology ask the question of being. But they ask it from different perspectives. Philosophy deals with the structure of being in itself; theology deals with the meaning og being for us. From this difference convergent and divergent trends emerge in the relation of theology and philosophy.
    −−Paul Tillich,Systematic Theology,Vol-1,University of Chicago Press,1951,pp.22.

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Systematic Theology Vol. 1
Systematic Theology Vol. 1
posted with amazlet at 12.08.21
Paul Tillich
SCM Press

Systematic Theology: Existence and the Christ v. 2
Paul Tillich
SCM-Canterbury Press Ltd

Systematic Theology Vol. 3
Systematic Theology Vol. 3
posted with amazlet at 12.08.21
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